So, when first I saw the head of a 1:6 scale Hot Toys "US Secret Service Female agent" action figure on eBay I instantly realized they were using the same sculpt they had used in their Movie Masterpiece series for Pirates of the Caribbean Elizabeth Swan figure, only that this one had rooted hair instead of plastic! I knew instantly I had to have it to be repainted as Keira.
Here is a picture of the head with its original paint:

This doll is the second proper celebrity doll repaint I´ve done - the first being the Takeshi Kaneshiro project I introduced on my last post. This time I did not take that many pictures of the repainting and sculpting process itself, but will try to keep this sort and just present to your the final results.
The first attempt:

The second version:

This time I tried to paint her as young, cute and innocent as possible and I hope it worked out better than the first attempt. I also used the photos of Keira that reminded me of Natalie Portman as reference I tried to make her seem a bit like a mixture of them both. I really prefer this one and we´ll see if she´ll be here to stay.

NOTE: If you want to try this at home you can easily find the head on eBay. It usually goes for 30-40usd and its original skin tone is pretty dark matching Colette´s (FR4, MB3). The head is pretty small though, so I recommend DG or MZ doll as a body donor - their proportions are a much better match for Keira as FR body might make her seem like a gargantuan amazone! Here I repainted her skin to match the FR2 Caucasian tone since its hard for me to even imagine a tanned Keira with her sensitive British skin - burned maybe! Lol. To find a good body donor consult my other blog, the Skin Tone Data Base for best match. Hope this was helpful! :)
I hope that you can translate this from my English language!
I found your blogspot, while looking for someone else. I love your blog! You do wonderful work on the dolls! I also have a site for dolls! Please visit me at:
I make doll stories!
Blessings, Nan
Toivon, että minulla on oikea käännös. Onko se suomalainen?
Jos näin on, haluan post minun kommentoida uudelleen. Rakastan Blogspot! Olen myös rakastaa nukkeja! On olemassa paljon nukesta ystäville koko maailmassa!
Jos haluat vierailla nukesta sivustosta osoitteesta:
Rakastan kirjoittaa nukesta tarinoita!<
Cheers, Nan! I just visited your site and its brilliant. I can´t wait to read your dolly stories, but alas, I have an exam on Japanese on Monday and need to do nothing but study the whole weekend - and its the 1st of May party for crying out loud!
And I got your message in Finnish too - better late than never, right - been neglecting my blogs lately. Did you really write that yourself? I can´t believe anyone would actually know Finnish! ;) LOL!
Hi ggreat reading your blog
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